I can hand on heart say this was one of the most powerful, insightful, greatest learning experience I've had in my 15 years of teaching. As part of our partnership with Ngati Paoa, our teachers at Pt England experienced a part 2 session with Hayden and Crystal with a historic hikoi to certain sites around the area which told stories of how things came about for them as people of Ngati Paoa.
Here is a map of our trek on Thursday 1st April.
There were many favourite parts to the day but one I did find fascinating was listening to the battles which happened at Mokoia. Learning about the different Taniwha's and where the name Mokoia derived from - Mokoikahikuwaru. Another exciting part I look forward to is the building of the Marae at Te Whanake - Just next to the Pt England Reserve now. Just listening to the stories and making connections with names I've heard before and getting to know the history behind street names and historical sites. So much to take in! I cannot wait to share this same experience with our learners! Well worth the sore feet at the end of the day! Thank you to everyone involved in making this day possible.