Friday 12 April 2024

Student Profiling

As a continuation of my inquiry breakdown - This blog post will be covering who my target students are. 

I have 8 students whom I have chosen as my target group for this particular inquiry. They are made up of 2 Year 8s and 6 Year 7s. 5 females and 3 males. 
The following slides outline parts of my Student Profile I have covered thus far. The first slide are my baseline data or preliminary findings which I will explain in more detail later on in my inquiry. The next slides are made up of a student survey which I conducted on the whole class through a Google form. My last slide are my own observations on what behaviours I've noticed during small group and class time around the subject of maths.

Tuesday 9 April 2024

Sharing my Inquiry with PES staff

 Yesterday, I had the opportunity to present my inquiry with my staff at PES. I shared a break down of the steps I've taken so far, and to share more of what my Across Schools CoL role is all about.

Some feedback I've received from staff  was that my break down of student profile was very helpful as a starting point for them. Another feedback was identifying the specific aspect in Maths that I'm working on helped to narrow things down for them as well. Overall, I look forward to getting my series of blog posts up. 

Tuesday 19 March 2024

Inquiry focus 2024: Part 1

Sharing my inquiry focus at this point in time will be done in 2 parts. This is due to the fact that after some hard hours of delving into data as a cohort and year groups of year 7 and 8 students at PES, it has NOT supported my initial hunches or observations in class this 1st half of Term 1. That was definitely an 'interesting' and confusing find for me, but here is a break down so far.

Learning Focus: Mathematics

Why mathematics? My automatic go to for inquiry focus over the last few years have been reading. This is due to a high number of students in Year 7 and 8 reading 4+ years behind their expected reading age. Our end of year data from 2023 supported this as well as cluster and school data from Ed Potential. 

However, upon discussions with our Team 5 teachers (5 of us all teaching Y7/8 at PES - 31 students per class), the whole team were all focussing on reading for their inquiry and had agreed to feed back to our group their findings as well things they are implementing in their classes. So because of this, I have decided to switch my focus to Maths, so we could share something for Maths with the team as well.

Along with this, MPI is set to start for Manaiakalani and would support this inquiry and findings as well. 

So going along with this, we've has many discussions in our team about making use of materials in our daily teachings of maths lessons this year. This is a follow on from our PD sessions with Manaiakalani Maths facilitator - Fiona Fox at the start of the year. 

Using this as a starting point, I used my first few CoL release days to make resources so my whole team could start with resources ready to go in their classes. 

What we discovered in our team meetings, was that a lot of our students struggled with 'imaging'. They could manipulate numbers in their heads based on their basic place values knowledge, but when working with materials, and having to cover big number properties, students found this part hard to do or grasp this concept. This was a common theme across our team of teachers.

After all our PAT testing was done, I decided to collate our data and back track the same group of students from the start of 2023 to the start of 2024. Here are my findings below. It actually showed a shift to the right with a bell distribution curve looking better this start of the year in comparison to 2023.

Upon seeing this, I took my findings to our Acting Principal Toni Nua, who has helped advise me on my next steps. My next steps will be to set up an asttle test for this same group of students and see if we get the same results. 

Thursday 15 February 2024

New Role: Across Schools COL Teacher 2024

 Talofa lava everyone!

Last year I decided to apply for one of the across schools COL roles and was fortunate enough to be successful. So this year I am excited to inquire into my own teaching practice and cater towards the needs of my new students this year. But I am also quite keen to get around to other schools and see how I may be of use or pick up new learning that can be used in my Y7/8 class and team of teachers at Pt England.

Last year in my application, I was really passionate about pursuing Maths for Years 7-8 learners and bridging the ever widening gap as they move up in the school. However,  we've had a cluster wide look at our data through Ed Potential and I feel there could be some changes in terms of my focus area for the year. Watch this space as I have more korero with fellow COL teachers and school leaders to see where my main focus will be for the year.

Otherwise, I am excited to start this new role and meet more teachers across our cluster. If there is anything Year 7-8 related, TESSOL related, or you are needing a sound board for ideas around our Manaiakalani teaching pedagogy of Learn, Create, Share, please book any of us across teachers in and we can pop in to visit you.

I look forward to meeting you all and the challenges this year.

Tofa ma ia manuia.