Friday, 12 April 2024

Student Profiling

As a continuation of my inquiry breakdown - This blog post will be covering who my target students are. 

I have 8 students whom I have chosen as my target group for this particular inquiry. They are made up of 2 Year 8s and 6 Year 7s. 5 females and 3 males. 
The following slides outline parts of my Student Profile I have covered thus far. The first slide are my baseline data or preliminary findings which I will explain in more detail later on in my inquiry. The next slides are made up of a student survey which I conducted on the whole class through a Google form. My last slide are my own observations on what behaviours I've noticed during small group and class time around the subject of maths.

Tuesday, 9 April 2024

Sharing my Inquiry with PES staff

 Yesterday, I had the opportunity to present my inquiry with my staff at PES. I shared a break down of the steps I've taken so far, and to share more of what my Across Schools CoL role is all about.

Some feedback I've received from staff  was that my break down of student profile was very helpful as a starting point for them. Another feedback was identifying the specific aspect in Maths that I'm working on helped to narrow things down for them as well. Overall, I look forward to getting my series of blog posts up.