Thursday, 26 October 2017

Putting PD into practice - Share/Model/Record

One of the 'gems' I shared in my previous post from Jo Knox's PD was how she worked her sharing time in small group situations. If one pair was sharing, another pair was modelling using materials (how that group solved their problem) and the other pair were recording it on paper. 

So I tried this out in class and it worked brilliantly! Previously, sharing time normally consists of the person(s) sharing to me but hardly anyone else in the group is listening. They are either distracted or trying to sort out their own problem ready for their time to share.

So this method of sharing is a great way to ensure that:
  1. Everyone is engaged
  2. You cover a triangulation of oral explanation, numbers being manipulated in an equation, and also what it looks like on hard materials. 
  3. Once all 3 groups have shared, students would have been exposed to 2 or 3 different ways of solving 1 problem!
I'd encourage anyone and everyone to give this method of sharing a go. It definitely adds a much needed scaffold to the learning process.

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