Friday, 14 February 2025

RPI - Day 1: Reading is core

This year I am very fortunate to join a whole lot of teachers joining the Friday RPI Cohort 3. Today was day 1.

The following are some of my reflections or things I've picked up from the day. 

Acceleration! We need our students to make more than one years progress in reading, writing and maths, in order for them to cope with the curriculum as it opens up more when transitioning into high school.

One of the things we covered today was reader profile. What is the profile of a good reader? how do we gather this? and how can we unpack or address this in order to be successful readers?
What I was reminded about, and really landed with me was the slide below about Whanaungatanga - fostering connections to learners' identities.

Todays segment on professional reading will definitely be one slide deck I will revisit to familiarise myself with more of the literature out the there in order to support my knowledge and kaupapa around reading.

A digital tool I will be making more use of will be the Canva whiteboard with sticky notes. Here is one where we shared about how we gather student data about their reading interests.
I also really liked studying the Pillars of Practice and highlighting our strengths and what we could work on. I hope to revisit this at the end of our 9 days of RPI and have made more change colour to green!

Overall, I feel like I had a bit of a head start as my whole team of 5 teachers have been through RPI and as a result we have implemented many of the tasks and extended discussion tasks we looked at today.

1 comment:

  1. Talofa Latini

    Thank you for you insightful reflections. I agree that we do need to progress our learners' reading, writing and maths as so much of their future opportunities depends on their skills in these areas and equally it's important for us as they are our future!
    We often know very little about our learners as readers and I suppose it's because we don't find the time to ask them or provide them with a safe space for telling us.
    I strongly agree with you that fostering connections with learners' identities is important and it is something we can help to facilitate by reaching into the rich resource of Aotearoa New Zealand and Pacific Islands authors writing in the young adult literature space. We can encourage our libraries to access these resources if they have not already.
    I'm looking forward to learning from what you'll bring to the RPI Latini, from your own teaching and the innovations of your team . I think they'll be grateful for what you take back to them, particularly I suspect within the create and collaborate spaces.

    Thank you for some insightful take aways.

